Category Archives: Uncategorized

Energy Efficiency and the Calorie

I often wonder about how our own biological makeup changes how efficiently we digest food. It’s not just as simple as calorie in, calorie out; how efficiently do we break down the food to extract those calories?

Rotational Inertia and the Earth

Yup. The earth’s inertia is changing. Because the glaciers are melting. Because the distribution of mass is changing. How cool is physics, and how lame is global climate change??

A Million to One — F = ma fer realz.

I always thought this was a cute video. When we think about Newton’s 2nd Law — that’s F = ma — it’s hard to find examples of where a tiny amount of force actually equates to motion. In our world, friction predominates these tiny forces, and so it’s hard to find good examples of this. This,… Read More »

The Magnus Effect and Basketballs

So… pretty much physics and fluid dynamics… rock. The Magnus Effect is what causes rotating balls to curve (well, like curveballs in baseball). These Australian dudes filmed this shot showing the amazing awesomeness of this effect by dropping a basketball off of a 400+ ft dam. You can read more about it from the Huffington Post!