Add Codes and Crashing Classes

By | February 10, 2018

The weeks before classes start is one of the most annoying times for professors. We get tons of emails, and most of them involve enrollment in classes. These are the top two questions:

  • The semester hasn’t started. I tried to enroll in your class, but it’s full! Can I have an add code?
  • I really need your class! I need to transfer, like, yesterday! Can I crash your class?

I went ahead and asked the Magic 8 Ball your questions to see what it had to say. Here are its answers, in animated GIFs, along with some personal notes from me.

Can I have an add code?

The 8-Ball has spoken. No, I do not give add codes before the start of the semester. How fair would that be for the other folks who didn’t miss their 12:00 AM appointment time and got into the class fair and square?

Can I crash your class?

Again, the 8-Ball has spoken. You can always come and there’s always a chance of getting in. But you HAVE to come on the first day to be in the running. What are the odds? In the words of the all knowing 8-Ball, “cannot predict now.”